Sunday, September 28, 2008

Emotional Constipation - Dating Commentary #19

I heard this term used today by a friend. She said her boyfriend had "emotional constipation" - he has trouble getting his emotions out. Now the boyfriend was there and it was quite a funny moment and a funny (althought sick) visual. So I had to share this.

On this outing with friends, we talked a lot about dating. The boyfriend said dating was all about intent and not whether or not the guy pays or asks the girl out. My argument was that how are we suppose to know the intent. After bantering on this topic for hours, I think we came to a consensus that while we don't like to play the games of dating that they are necessary because you have to do the dance to see if you are interested and it may take a few dates to figure that out. So, I will continue to would just nice to find a partner who leads every now and then:)

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