Sunday, April 20, 2008

Different Perspectivies

Recently, a friend and I were chatting about our past dating relationship. It was more like a few dates that didn't progress into anything and it was so long ago that there are no longer hurt feelings or any of the drama associated to the relationship and we are just friends now. We were discussing how things never got off the ground between us and I thought it was me and he thought it was something he did (I will spare the details but we are really friends and this was a very honest and open conversation). So it is funny how two people that are part of the same situation totally see the situation in completely different lights and have totally different impressions and feelings about events that occur. I also think it is important to have these honest and open conversations - this one was probably long overdue. I have realized that communication is so key in relationships and you should jump in with both feet and ask those unasked questions and tell people how you feel. So as my new favorite song by John Mayer says "Say what you need to say...".

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I Got Friends in Low Places...

Got to love a little Garth Brook's tune. I have a question/topic I wanted to throw out there for all of us to ponder/mull over (I feel like I just sounded like Marin from Men in Trees "Hello, Elmo. Patrick and I were just discussing..."). I have noticed that the older I get, I am not as good about keeping friends EXCEPT for my college friends. Seems like my college friends have a free pass for life, they can do no wrong. That isn't to say I don't get mad at them but after a few hrs/days, I will eventually forgive and forget. Maybe it is because we lived together 24-7 for 5 years in college and we went through up's and down's together and were by my side as I found out who I was and who they were. Now, I meet people all the time through various channels and we become friends but the bond just isn't the same. They seem more like wanders who spend some time in my life, help me grow, help me along in a difficult time and then they go away either due to marriage, a baby, an argument, etc but they are more like drifters than long lasting friends. It is sad but I feel more compelled to work at my friendships from college and keep those connections no matter the distance than I do with folks that I met later in life. I am not saying this is right by any means. Somtimes I feel like my college friends "know" me better but in reality, they know some version of me that probably doesn't exist any more and the folks I meet now on this journey of life probably know me better. But I don't think we let the walls/boundaries down now as we did back in college so maybe the only person that knows me is really me.


So even though I haven't blogged in awhile apparently my old posts are pretty popular. Maybe I missed my calling as being a real life Carrie Bradshaw! Thanks to all the folks that read and enjoy the blog! I hope to have more inspiration so that I have more things to write.

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Blog...

The Blog is not gone but perhaps it has been forgotten or neglected. Truthfully, inspiration hasn't really hit lately but I have started a collection of postings that I will post shortly. I feel like you should only write when you are truly inspired and have something to say. So as not to lose the entertainment value of this post, I will comment on a recent stoplight situation that I have observed in Denver. There is an intersection in Denver where all lights are red and you can basically walk diagonal across the street even though there is only one walk sign. Why would you ever have all directions stopped? This isn't a heavy pedestrian area and it was definitely 30 secs - over a minute with all lanes stopped. What is going on in this city?
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