Sunday, October 05, 2008

Done and Done - Dating Commentary #21

This could also be titled "Clue phone, it is for me" or "He is just not into you where have you been". So it has taken me awhile and maybe it has been because I have been out of the dating pool for awhile but I am done with the game. Mr X called earlier to "checkin", whatever that means. No mention of hanging out - more just asking what I was up to and then telling me what he is doing (none of which included me). Needless to say I am done. I have been debating on whether we need to have a convo about it - get the feelings out there, be honest, no drama, short and sweet. But why, I am deciding that I am done with the situation. Done and done!


Mommy of Grace and Joy said...

You crack me up girl! Are you referring to the guy we discussed while eating at Chili's???

Mommy of Grace and Joy said...
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Brooke said...

No, this was back in June/July timeframe (now I am giving away who it could be). Although it could probably apply to recent situations too - unfortunately. I never learn!

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