Sunday, September 28, 2008

Emotional Constipation - Dating Commentary #19

I heard this term used today by a friend. She said her boyfriend had "emotional constipation" - he has trouble getting his emotions out. Now the boyfriend was there and it was quite a funny moment and a funny (althought sick) visual. So I had to share this.

On this outing with friends, we talked a lot about dating. The boyfriend said dating was all about intent and not whether or not the guy pays or asks the girl out. My argument was that how are we suppose to know the intent. After bantering on this topic for hours, I think we came to a consensus that while we don't like to play the games of dating that they are necessary because you have to do the dance to see if you are interested and it may take a few dates to figure that out. So, I will continue to would just nice to find a partner who leads every now and then:)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Pursuit - Dating Commentary #18b

Today I got home and had an email from a friend of mine asking me on a date with a clear plan. He mentioned the date, time, what we would do and then gave me an option to decide on part of the date. Clearly, he has interest and a plan. I guess I am old fashioned but I appreciate that. I am excited about going out with him - for once someone who is purusing me and not leaving me guessing on whether or not this is a date. It is refreshing!

To follow that up, I was out with friends last night and met a guy who was a mutual friend. He also asked me out and was very kind and complimentary. It was unusual, unexpected and quite nice. So I am also going out with him.

I am looking foward to the dates but my heart it elsewhere. Why does our heart always seem to want what we can't have or want the person that doesn't seem to return the interest. Instead of just saying we are done, we continue to try to make it work. At some point, I will have to say "enough is enough" and realize that is not the path I am meant to take.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Too Many Men - Dating Commentary #18a

This is not a problem I have had...well, ever. I think I finally get over the heart break of my life and am ready to open up and have a relationship instead of following my dating rule of one and done. But I can't. Too many people interest me and part of the reason I don't say to one what I feel is because if we decide to date then what do I tell the others that I am interested in. Nice problem to have, eh? But really, I am not sure how much I like any of them or maybe I have just talked myself out of liking any of them because it was easier to be alone. Not easier, but it was safe and I (unfortunately) know how to be alone.

Mr Right wherever you are, I know you will break through these barriers and I know that I won't have to question who you are and if you care and you will give me that movie moment and you will be my best friend and my confidant.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Past - Dating Commentary #17

Life is funny. Just when you think you are moving on and you have things figured out, ghosts of dating past seem to show up at your door. Ghost #1 is a friendly and entertaining ghost. We were friends, went on a date, realized it wouldn't work, he dated others, got married and sadly enough is now divorced. I am his wingwoman and try to provide advice in the new world of dating to him but I admit, I am more lost than anyone. He is my go to on a Fri night when I need a friend to drink with that understands me. Ghost #2 was a long ago crush that I never could pass the friend barrier with. I had a moment - I remember it like it was yesterday - to pass thru the barrier and make my feelings known but I just couldn't. I saw him and my heart skipped a beat and I thought about the road not traveled. Is it too late? Could I even return to that road or am I too far down a different path?

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Hurt and Mad - Dating Commentary #16

I think I have brought my hurt on myself and maybe my anger. I feel like I have communicated that I need to have good communication in a relationhip or in dating and yet I haven't gotten it. When I am into you, I want to talk to you and make plans with you and when I think about future events, I see you in them. But when the feeling is not returned, I guess it is time to move on. When we are together things are great and I feel like we are on the same page but then days, weeks go but until the next thing and the vicious cycle starts over. Maybe I am rushing things, maybe I am not as open as I could be, maybe I should just "say" what I need to say. But I don't. Instead, I am mad, hurt and undoubtly alone.
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