Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Questions to Ask on a Date

Again, my topic comes from an online article that I read about dating. Obviously being single and how to become a couple is a hot topic on the internet and on this blog. This time the article was by Ayren Jackson-Cannady on "5 Questions to Ask on a Date". I don't necesarily agree with the authors 5 questions - at least not for the first date, maybe for date #3-5. I think a good back-up plan is to have at least 3 topics to discuss (Thanks to Amanda for this idea since she brought it up the other night at dinner). You want to have these 3 topics in case there is some dead air in the conversation. So aside from topics/stories you can prepare beforehand, here are the 5 questions that I propose you ask....

1. What did you do this week/weekend? - This can help uncover a wealth of info. If on Sunday, he says he went to church or missed church for whatever reason, that is a good sign. You can also find out what his interests are by figuring out where he has spent his time - did he work in the garden, go to a fun dinner, play a sport, exercise, work late, hang out with friends, etc.
2. How long have you lived in X city? - This can also turn into a lengthy convo about the history of where he/she has lived and what cities. It also can turn into a travel convo which leads to my next question...
3. Where would you like to go on a dream/exotic/fun vacation? - Hopefully both of you are adventurous and say something other than going to the big city for a sporting event. This can also lead to a convo about fun places you have been.
4. What would you do if you won the lotto? (again thanks to Amanda b/c I know she has brought this one up before) - Similar to question 3 but could lead to some interesting convo about value of money, fun trips, life dreams, etc...also can piggyback on the new TV Show "Windfall" and how it has affected this group of people who won the lottery and the choices they have made.
5. What's your favorite band/tv show/movie/sport to watch or play/insert topic here? - This is always a good fallback question becaue hopefully you guys will have something in common or at least lead to a good story.

Also, if you are on a group date with friends you always need the SATC "save me/things are okay" signals ready. I think the more "conversation-like" these questions can be, the better. Your date may not even catch the drift of your signals if you are smart about it. This week my prepared signals were "Has anyone seen Superman?" - that meant the date was going well and the converse was "Has anyone seen the Break-up?" - that meant that I was ready to ditch the guy after dinner. These are inconspicous questions that could come up naturally in the conversation and your date would have no clue. I will have to think of some new questions for the next date now that my secret is out!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hey B - your post made me laugh:) I actually got my 3 convo topics idea from rush - remember how they always told us to be prepared with certain questions to ask the rushees? I do not miss those days:) I also think it's a good idea to have a short funny/interesting story to tell. Or maybe an interesting event to relate that has happened to you recently. Of course none of this can help you if the date is just a dud.

Speaking of dates - you should have heard the Bert Show this morning. They played voicemails from this guy who was badgering a girl he went on a date with because he wanted her to pay for half the dinner. Originally he paid for dinner but then he wanted her to pay for half because she didn't go on a 2nd date with him. It's pretty funny - I think they have a link to it on the Bert Show webpage so you should check it out.

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