Friday, September 22, 2006

Someone's "George" is someone else's "McDreamy"

The Grey's Anatomy countdown is finally over! I figured out yesterday when I was reading this article why I love Grey's Anatomy so much. It is because we see ourselves and our friends in these characters. We live through their same situations - no we aren't all doctors and perform miracles everyday but their pains, their loves...their lives are just like our own.

I have said for years that if you look around, everyone has a crush on someone so by default someone has a crush on you and you just don't know it - Sans "Someone's 'George' is someone else's 'McDreamy'." Everyone in college (and even now) has a nickname for someone they like - it is probably becuase you don't know their name so you have to call them "Blue t-shirt guy" or "Mr. Hottie". They don't know you but you wish you knew them. The same is probably true for you - you are someone's "Blue T-shirt girl" or "Ms Hottie". You won't always know who is your George vs you McDreamy out of all the "Blue t-shirt guys", but hopefully you will figure it out.

The trick in this world is for all of us to come together and find our McDreamy and get past all the George's in our lives. But you have to get through the George's sometimes to learn what you want in a McDreamy. Hopefully Meredith will figure out who is her real McDreamy - the doc or Finn. My vote is for the doc!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Hi Brooke,
I love reading your blog! I'm glad we are connected through Michelle's. Also, I am a huge Grey's Anatomy fan and have been hooked since the very first episode!!

May we all find our McDreamy's some day,

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