Monday, September 25, 2006

3 New Shows

So I have found 3 new shows that may be added to my "must see" list of shows for the year. So far I always watch Grey's Anatomy and Lost. The new shows that I like are Six Degrees on ABC, Brothers and Sisters on ABC, and Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip on NBC. I am sure one or more of these will be cancelled or that I will lose interest over time. Right now I like all 3.

Six Degrees is good because it is in NY, I like Erica Christianson, and it seems like a good idea. Although, we all may be separated by 6 desgrees but once we all meet each other then aren't we all linked?

Brothers and Sisters reminds me of an updated version of the show Sisters. This show could do well since Calista Flockhart and Sally Field are part of the ensemble. I also like the Calista's character is going to be a political analyst on a TV show - lots of good topics. Also there is some deep rooted issue between Calista and Sally's character. During one converation during the premiere, Sally Field's character mention 9/11 - interesting how they are incorporating real life events like this. I really liked the Dad character and the actor (Tom Skerritt)and yet they killed him off in the last 5 mins of the first show. Could be hit but may need better storylines.

Studio 60 is definitely brings something new to the table (other than the fact that it is based on creating a show like SNL). I like Matthew Perry and Bradley Whitford and Steve Weber and Amanda Peet. There were some funny lines in the first show and if you can get Chandler out of your head and the West Wing character then this show could work.

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