Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Table for One

I sit in a restaurant composing this blog on the back of a receipt. This is the second time in 2 weeks that I've been at a table of one. Last week it was eating sushi at a sushi bar next to strangers and today it is at a romantic Italian restaurant. Of course both places the maƮtre d' asked if I was waiting for someone and I merely said "no, just one tonight". In both resataurants I had very fast service - it must not be hard to cook just one meal - the dinner even arrived as I write...maybe the food arrives fast because the server knows you have no one to talk to and don't need to wait on the conversation to get going. Maybe the food just cooks faster. I do think being a Party of 1 has its advantages - faster seating and faster service. It even gives you some time to think about your day and allow your mind to wander. It is the one part of the day where you don't have to be doing anything and you don't have to converse with anyone, you can just simply be. It's funny because being a Party of 1 in my hometown is frightening but being a Party of 1 on the road is exciting and has potential for adventure because you never know who you might meet. I think I can finally enjoy being a Table for One!

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