Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Glamorous Life

I just got back from watching "The Devil Wears Prada" which I hadn't planned on going to see because it didn't seem like my type of movie. Suprisingly enough, it was a fun movie to see and actually had a good moral story towards the end. Which do you choose: A) the glamorous life where everyone wants to be you and you do whatever you can to stay in those shoes or do you B)follow your head, your passion, and maintain your integrity and self. It's funny because we all want to be those people that we see on TV. We want to walk the red carpet, we want the Gucci, Dolce and Gabbana, Jimmy Choos to wear, we want to be famous/to be known, we want to be rich. But do we really want all that? Is that life really all that it is cracked up to be? I remember when I was little, I would picture myself going to work (walking down the street to work from my cute house to be specific)in a high powered suit and high heels. I would head straight towards my corner office and then I would ... I never actually pictured what I would be doing, just what I would be wearing. In reality, high heels aren't comfortable and suits are kind of stuffy - I hate wearing heels or a suit to work. Luckily, I don' have to. I can settle for the semi-fashional black pants, cute shoes, and a fun top. So my outfit doesn't exactly fit the life I dreamed about. But the setting is as close as it has ever been - I am getting to walk to work but instead of from my house to work, it is from my hotel to work. Which also involves a car, plane, and metro to actually get to that hotel so that I can walk. So again, not exactly what I dreamed as the "picture perfect job" would be. So now that the setting doesn't work, I can see that what I wanted isn't really want I wanted at all. So, is that glamorous life, really what we all want? Maybe we should forget the setting and picture on what makes us happy. Do we like what we do at work? Is it our passion? And do we have to follow the cultural "standard" for what we should all be doing and wearing?

1 comment:

Greg and Callie said...

How's DC?? Your blogs are very interesting as usual... I was depressed this weekend b/c it was boring compared to last weekend when we were all hanging out :)

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