Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Helping our guy friends...

I am traveling this week for work so I have lots of times to post random thoughts on my blog. I have a good core of friends that hang out each week - a good mix of guys and girls. My fellow girl friends and I always discuss why our guy friend's are still single and what they are doing wrong when trying to ask a girl out. So in the interest of helping all mankind (and maybe going out on a good date myself), we thought we would post some insights into what girls are looking for. I know the art of going out for a date on a Friday night where the guy calls and asks the girl out, picks her up, pays for dinner, etc is lost but we would like to get that back. So here are some helpful hints...

1. Call the girl - don't email, call and ask her out. When you just email, she thinks you aren' really that in to her.
2. Be spontaneous on the first date. Do something other than go out to a dinner and see a movie. Some good ides are: go fishing, go to the driving range, go play to the batting cages, go to a concert, go to Screen on the Green, go on a picnic...the key is creativity. Girls like this and will be impressed that you put some thought into it.
3. Ask her out to a place you think she will like (ie her favorite restaurant). The key is to make her feel special. We just want someone that shows interest in us.
4. If you like her, don't wait a week to call her after the first date. Wait maybe 3 days.
5. Girls like when the guy opens the car door for her (well, at least this girl does). It is a sign of respect.
6. This is for you Matt, wear dark jeans (light jeans went out in the 80s)if jeans is a appropriate attire. In fact, throw away all light jeans in your cloest and only wear dark jeans out in public no matter if you are on a date or not!

That's all we ask for. A nice date and someone who acts interested. Hope that helps someone out there.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Word. I would also add that the whole rule of waiting 3 days before calling is BS. If you like a girl, call her! But, if she doesn't answer leave a message. And wait for her to call you back. No need to call back 17 times until she answers the phone.

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