Sunday, December 09, 2007

Snoring on the Plane

This is not Snakes on the Plane but instead Snoring on the Plane. I wish I was able to blog this morning when I was experiencing the gentlemen next to me snoring firsthand. We sat on the tarmac for awhile and from the moment this rather large man sat down next to me, he was snoring. Of course it was distracting and rude and I kept thinking that I should tap him on the shoulder and politely say "Excuse me, just wanted to let you know you were snoring" but then the other part of me wanted to yell at him to stay awake and stop bothering other passengers. Of course, I was also upset because he was seeping onto my seat so I finally strategically placed my People magazine between my leg and his because I really don't like when strangers touch me. When we finally became airborne my dear seat mate decided to become very agitated and wouldn't stop moving, he reached over me and closed the shade (how rude), he jacked up the air so it was blowing directly on him and he wouldn't stop moving. So needless to say he has won the Worse Seatmate award. When we landed he immediately move the armrest up and by doing so hit my arm and he mumbled excuse me. I didn't want the barrier between us broken but I momentarily sucked it up because I knew my agony was about to end. What would you do in this situation? I immediately thought of weigh limits and requiring people to list their weight when booking a flight or do a weigh in at the gate. It is not fair for those of us that fit into seats to be taken over by the fat folks of the world. Sure they say it isn't their fault for being fat but do they exercise? Does their meal plan consist of McDonald's hamburgers? So that is my vent for today.

1 comment:

Greg and Callie said...

I totally know what ya mean! But I think Nora is definitely a contender for worst seat mate award :) Last week when we flew I saw a dude get up and loudly tell the flight attendant he couldn't sit in his assigned seat bc the other guy was too big and was spilling over, and she moved him, although in observing I thought the way he went about it was assy and I felt bad for the heavy guy... there is no easy way to handle stuff like this!

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