Sunday, December 02, 2007

Eat Love Pray

I justed finished reading Eat Pray Love: One Woman's Search for Everything across Italy, India and Indonesia be Elizabeth Gilbert. I didn't originally want to read this book but after searching the book store and picking up book after book that followed the CSI type of formula, I decided to go for something different. This afterall is a memoir about a woman finding herself and I thought at least she goes to Italy which is one country that I have fallen in love with.

So I began the book and I really should have blogged along the way because there are lessons she (and I) learned as she trekked through Italy, India, and Indonesia. As you can probably guess by the title she ate a lot in Italy, prayed a lot in India, and fell in love in Indonesia. What I like about the book is that she rediscovers herself and really takes an indepth look at herself and fixes what is wrong. She is finally honest with herself and why her life has taken the path that it has and she rights it. I think Ch 58 was among my favorite when she talks about prayer being a relationship and how it should be deliberate and specific and not lazy. I enjoy all of her tales of Italy and all the places she goes and all the places she eats and how she learns Italian along the way. I attempted to learn Italian before I went there but there was no hope for me. I loved learning about India and Indonesia - 2 places I have never been and really never thought about going. Reading about those cultures was fascinating to me.

The chapters are each centered around one central theme and some are as short as a page which made the book for quite an easy read. I don't agree with some of her beliefs on Christianity - I think she needs to do some more soul searching in this area but I do think she has some good ideas about quieting the mind and removing the distractions of life and being still. I don't think I will start daily hour long meditation sessions but I can see how those can be a useful tool as you navigate the busy American life style. Liz is quite candid in her storytelling and lets you see her most inner thoughts so that you feel like she is one of your best friends. I would love to take a year off and travel the world in 4 month increments. Where would you go if you did that? I think I would start with Italy but who knows where next...I will have to ponder that more. I do think it is good for all of us to take a step back and be introspective and not let life pass us by. What do we all really want out of life? What is life all about for us? We should answer these questions and make it happen.

So despite some disagreements with the author's religious beliefs and my initial hesitation in reading the book, I would definitely recommend this book.

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