Sunday, October 07, 2007

God is Closer Than You Think by John Ortberg

I just finished reading God is Closer Than You Think by John Ortberg. It is a quick read at about 170 pages. The chapters usually start with good visual images like the picture of Adam and God at the top of the Sistine Chapel (The Creation of Adam), the Where's Waldo book, A Beautiful Mind movie or the Princess Bride movie and then Ortberg explains how these concepts can relate to your relationship with God.

One part of the book talks about how you shouldn't feel guilty for reading the newspaper over The Bible or watching TV. Instead you should invite God to do these activities with you. God wants to be part of your life not just be part of the moments where you need him. Also, it talks about which pathway you most connect with God. Some people are more intellectual, others relational, some are activists while some are worshippers or servers and some are contemplative and others are creationist. I think I fit in a couple of these areas - intellectual, relational and creationist. We all our own ways of experiencing a relationship with God.

I think this book is a great (and quick) read and it can help jump start your relationship with God or just offer some good ways to connect with God.

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