Friday, June 08, 2007

Oprah's Debt Diet

I just watched today's episode of Oprah and the show was on getting out of debt. She had a lot of good suggestions and most are posted on her webite at Jean Chatzky (author of Make Money, Not Excuses) gave her expert advice to do the following 4 things to start saving and get out of debt:
1. Max your Income
2. Spend less than you Make (ie pause before you buy)
3.Invest the money that you aren't spending (should be earning at least 5%)
4.Protect your money

I thought I would put this great advice out there on the web. I have said many times that I think colleges do a dis-service by not havine a required class about budgets, 401Ks, investing, etc. So now is the time to learn ourselves with a little effort. There is also a link to find money groups in your area - one group on the show was called the "Smart Cookies". They said it was good to find a money group so that you can have someone hold you accountable ans have people to share your financial goals. One point they made too was that it is important for women to have money in their own name so when you marry, make sure you have control over some of your own money.

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