Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Misadventures in Atlanta

Thanks to my friend Amanda for forwarding me this link...Apparently it isn't uncommon for folks to channel Carrie Bradshaw or the author of "He's Just Not That Into You." Our very own AJC has an ongoing column where 2 girls and now a single guy blog about dating in Atlanta. If you want to check out the Single Guy's first entry click here.

Disuccsion Points after you read the artilce: I agree that if you don't want to go on a date then don't say yes. You should always show up for a date that you say "yes" to unless a natural disaster occurs. It is way easier to say "I don't think we should meet up" than to fake your way through a date and then have to insincerely say you had a good time which is a whole other topic. And a lot nicer to say that than to have a person waste their time and look forward to a date. The Single Guy asks why girls make plans and then don't show up. I ask why did Mr K say he was going to call and then didn't. Just say "Thanks (or I am flattered) but I am seeing someone" that way the girl knows it isn't going to happen and you don't lead her on and you do justice to the girl you are seeing.

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