Tuesday, August 29, 2006

You know you have worked out of town too long when…

  1. You start to have your own room at the hotel (ie Room 101 is my room and I stay in there every week). You check to make sure the radio settings and alarm clock are on what you left them and are glad to see when they are!
  2. The hotel folks say “Welcome back Ms. Doe” or “You went to the gym early today, Ms Doe”. I look around when they say that looking for my mom!
  3. The hotel folks check you in before you can reach the counter.
  4. You start to think of the hotel folks as your friends!
  5. You recognize the folks that work at Subway and Cosi and the recognize you and know your order by heart.
  6. You start to wonder what they do with all of the half empty shampoo bottles at the hotel and think that it is such a waste or really gross that they are just refilling the bottles and restocking your room.
  7. You start checking out the security guards at the airport because you see them every week!
  8. You have a standard meal at the airport on Thurs and you get excited about it.
  9. You are excited when you spend more than 3 days in the city that you live in.
  10. You watch way to much SATC, Friends, and Big Brother All Stars because you have no life! (that was weak but figured that I needed to round out the Top 10)

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