Tuesday, August 08, 2006

What's Worse?

What's worse? - Knowing that tomorrow brings disaster or not knowing that it brings disaster and dealing with it? I guess this is similar to asking - would you rather know you are dying so you have time to say good-bye or would you rather dye suddenly without having time to spend time with your loved ones, visiting all the places you wanted to see, making up with those you have not forgiven. We don't get to choose the scenario - it just happens and we deal with it, we live through it.

Tomorrow, a doctor's appt could either cause a cry of joy or a cry of sadness. I think it is harder to anticipate the appt rather than having it thrust upon and you deal with the bad news as it come s. I think the unknown is hard. I guess in either case there is unknown - the waiting until you know. In either case, I think you just have to have the hope and say the prayers because you never know what tomorrow may bring or the day after that or the day after that...

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