Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Not sure how long this post will stay up

So after going on several failed first dates, I started thinking about the one thing that was in common with all of these dates .... me. I do think there may be two things affecting my thoughts on a first date 1)me (well, the me that has been hurt before) and 2) being set in my ways. RDK, since I know you read this blog feel free to comment or individually email me with other things that I may do wrong while out on a date. I do know that I wear my heart/emotions on my sleeve so it is pretty hard to cover it up if I am not having a good time. While I ponder those thoughts, I will let you know some of the things that aren't good to do on a first date and some things that are appreciated. Good things to do on a first date: think of something fun to do like going to a sporting event, plan ahead, pay for dinner, pray at the meal (that might be much for a first date so you have to feel the person out but I was okay with it).
Some things that may be a little bothersome to some (ie me): not tipping enough on the check (if you don't let me see the check then I won't notice this so I may not find out until later that you are cheap), yelling at the usher, making voices to the video screen, flying like superman to the star wars song. So am I picky? Am I too picky? Probably.
I did forget to mention that I think it is a deal breaker if you don't drink. I guess it is reverse discrimination to some but I think it is fine to have a glass of wine with dinner, have a few beers at a football game, etc. So if you don't drink then it can be awkward. I have friends that don't drink and can hang out with them fine but I don't know if that works the same way if you are dating. And the final no-no for the hour - if you email and say that you aren't going to get your "(insert person's name here) time" in for the week since I am not going to see you all week, know that that will creep me out! This may be considered endearing after dating for a few months but not before - I can see how this point may be confusing but as we all know girls are confusing.


Greg and Callie said...

Girl, your blog is always cracking me up. On the bright side, you will always have some good dating stories to tell your kids or whomever...How about going on a first date and them wanting to immediately introduce you to their whole family, that is always fun, aka scary. Or you could have a beer poured on your head. I am confident that is one for the record books. Okay, call/email/comment me and let me know what is going on I need an update!! Oh, and I am on myspace now, :)

Greg and Callie said...

Hey Girl, give me an update!! Can't wait to see yall :)

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