Friday, January 19, 2007

It is Friday

I don't really have a cohesive idea for this post so it is really just going to be a bunch of random things that I just want to put out there in the world. First thing is that my new favorite song is I Don't Feel Like Dancin' by the Scissor Sisters. I listen to the song like 4 times a day and it is always in my head. It has a good beat - kind of reminescent of the Bee Gee's. Definitely good times!

Last night I watched Grey's Anatomy. I think I have figured out why the show is so good - it is because we can all relate to the storylines and these storylines sometimes hit straight into our heart. For instance, last night when George was having to decide to let his father go and then say goodbye - I was actually crying because I have been there before (never had to say good-bye - not yet - but I have still been in that hospital room when you don't know if this could be good-bye). I am not a crier either so you know it is touching if I am crying! I also like the simplicity of the struggle on how to sleep between Meredith and Derek. After the intial excitement of the relationship, what makes the relationship stick or come unglued is the everyday - the living together and compomising. It is good to see that part of a relationship on TV and not just the lustful/romantic parts. These parts are real.

Since I was on a plane last night, I watched another episode of 90210. I thought that show was good when I was a teenager/early 20s but now it is almost laughable. Maybe the later seasons get better but the first season is weak and full of bad hair, bad slang, and bad outfits!

That's all for now. Happy Friday!

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